Episode 108 Are You In Emotional Debt?

Published: Jan. 17, 2020, 1:14 p.m.

What's Up, LifeRs! 

We all know what financial debt is...sometimes we spend money on things and we don't actually have the money for it. Emotional debt is similar. What does emotional debt mean? You may have bills, you may feel like you are out of control, etc. Let's imagine you are feeling an emotion and you lash out in a way you didn't want to. You snapped. Sometimes you have bills to pay, those are your daily experiences, and you are not acting and responding and living in a way that puts you in control. You have to plan because, without it, you will learn the hard way of how to control your emotions. Emotions can be spent or stored and I am going to expand upon that in this podcast. 

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