Going From Financially Struggling to 15K Months & Learning How to Sell Confidently with Sales Expert, Clare Cui

Published: May 10, 2022, 9 a.m.


This week\'s episode is featuring Clare Cui, an international sales expert, trainer, and speaker who has led multi-seven-figure sales teams to close over $9 million in high ticket sales ($4 million during 2020 alone!)


Previously an avid yogi who went from financial struggling as a yoga instructor to making 15K a month from a change in mindset. Clare discovered the importance of self-worth by mastering the spiritual aspect of sales. This has inspired her to teach others how to be leaders in sales conversations so they too can receive more of what they deserve.


She helps 6 figure coaches consistently close more sales & handle objections without convincing.  She focuses on guiding women to have more confidence with their business, and life, through self-empowerment.


With experience in leading and consulting teams for multi-7 figure entrepreneurs such as Lisa Nichols, Rachel Bell, and Sage Lavine, Clare is an expert in teaching online coaches and service providers how to convert high ticket sales without pushing or convincing. Since 2014, Clare has been teaching coaches how to have a permission-based sales conversation that results in consistent $10, 20 to upwards of $50k months by empowering coaches to confidently stand in their highest value.



Listen in to learn about:

  • How she went from \\u201cscraping by to pay for dinner" to earning 15K a month
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  • Bringing the feminine into sales and how to embrace sales as a woman without having to follow the old, masculine based way of selling
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  • How to accurately price your services and know your worth
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  • The necessities\\u2019 of closing a high-value sale, compared to a lower-ticketed item
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  • What the biggest mistake people make when selling is
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  • How to reach out to your ideal client in a positive way
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  • How important following up on a sale is and how to know when it\\u2019s time to move on
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Website: https://www.closesalesconsistently.com/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clare_cui/ 


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clare.cui








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