12-22-2022 How Lenders Can Best Leverage Technology To Drive Opportunity Now And In The Future With Dawar Alimi And Paul Orlando Of Lender Price

Published: Dec. 22, 2022, 11 a.m.


There is no shortage of SaaS solutions for lenders out there, but how can they best leverage the available technology to drive opportunity? David Lykken discusses this on the show with Dawar Alimi and Paul Orlando of Lender Price. Lender Price is a leading SaaS-based mortgage pricing and underwriting engine. Dawar and Paul bring their decades of combined experience in the mortgage and IT industries together to create cutting-edge pricing, underwriting, and analytics solutions for lenders. They explain more about their current and upcoming software products in this episode. They also share ideas on how to navigate this very technical and volatile space, especially now that things are changing very fast in the industry. Tune in for more!
