11-13-17 Boosting your Business with Social Media w/ Rob Lowe

Published: Nov. 13, 2017, 6 p.m.

b'Are you missing the boat? Get LinkedIn today,\\xa0it\\u2019s easier than you think!\\n\\nRob Lowe, a LinkedIn pro, shares his insight on the show today!\\n\\nYou have a LinkedIn profile and you accept invites when they come in but you\\u2019re not\\xa0really\\xa0using it, right?\\n\\nYou\\u2019re already extremely busy so how do you find the time to post articles, search for connections, and send private messages? Is it really worth the effort?\\n\\nMake no mistake, there is business to be done on LinkedIn.\\nLearn to recruit loan officers and branch managersBuild your profile; your personal brand mattersLeverage sales navigator to help drive Realtor partnershipsAnd more!\\nDo not miss this show!\\n\\nArticles\\xa0mentioned in the show today:\\n\\nAs mentioned in the Regulatory and Legislative Update by Alice Alvey, you can check out...\\n\\nhttps://www.zillow.com/research/mortgage-interest-deduction-taxes-17195/\\n\\nThis Forbes link has the tables:\\n\\nhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonynitti/2017/11/10/senate-releases-its-tax-bill-how-does-it-compare-to-current-law-and-the-house-proposal/#57e291b54425\\n\\nHere is a chart from Blooomberg:\\xa0\\nhttps://www.bna.com/uploadedFiles/BNA_V2/Tax/PDFs/22434%20TM%20Comparison%20Chart%20of%20Trump%20Tax%20Plan%20011617.PDF\\nAre you missing the boat? Get LinkedIn today,\\xa0it\\u2019s easier than you think!\\n\\nRob Lowe, a LinkedIn pro, shares his insight on the show today!\\n\\nYou have a LinkedIn profile and you accept invites when they come in but you\\u2019re not\\xa0really\\xa0using it, right?\\n\\nYou\\u2019re already extremely busy so how do you find the time to post articles, search for connections, and send private messages? Is it really worth the effort?\\n\\nMake no mistake, there is business to be done on LinkedIn.\\nLearn to recruit loan officers and branch managersBuild your profile; your personal brand mattersLeverage sales navigator to help drive Realtor partnershipsAnd more!\\nDo not miss this show!\\n\\nArticles\\xa0mentioned in the show today:\\n\\nAs mentioned in the Regulatory and Legislative Update by Alice Alvey, you can check out...\\n\\nhttps://www.zillow.com/research/mortgage-interest-deduction-taxes-17195/\\n\\nThis Forbes link has the tables:\\n\\nhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonynitti/2017/11/10/senate-releases-its-tax-bill-how-does-it-compare-to-current-law-and-the-house-proposal/#57e291b54425\\n\\nHere is a chart from Blooomberg:\\xa0\\nhttps://www.bna.com/uploadedFiles/BNA_V2/Tax/PDFs/22434%20TM%20Comparison%20Chart%20of%20Trump%20Tax%20Plan%20011617.PDF'