Good morning Jesus wants to protect you by KathyBrocks November 2

Published: Nov. 26, 2021, 2:08 p.m.

b"My inspiration is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. A few years ago I came across a person that wanted to help but did not feel as though he had the power to help. Do you every feel that way.? It has happened to me. I ran across a homeless man and wanted to help but I had so little. God touched my heart. It was then I realized my little was the homeless man's treasure chest. I could be the one that led the man to Jesus by a simple act of kindness. I took action and purchased the water for him. When I cam out he left, but this seed of faith served me in later years. I ran out of money, water and had to walk 12 miles to get mail. It was above 90 degrees outside and a still wind. I was getting dehydrated and desperately needed water. A man who was concerned about helping an unknown person, stepped up and made sure I could purchase water for the $.25 I had in my pocket. What will you do to help others? You are blessed and equipped to be a blessing.-Kathy Brocks"