We ate Chocolate Covered Tide Pods?!?

Published: Feb. 15, 2021, 11 p.m.

The boys are back after a two week hiatus, but an eventful week it was. To be clear, those of you who come for the comical aspect of our podcast, this episode might be slightly lacking. Luke was busy with the drop of the "Covid Collection" from Xandy, while Kozy was wrapped up in the release of his and JG's music video titled, "Mario Lemieux". We discuss the process and the reception of each for a majority of the intro, before we discuss our weekly recap. The recap included Luke being interviewed on another podcast, seeing a car crash right next to him, Super Bowl recaps, and Kozy's enlightening story of becoming fully healthy again. Following the intro, we spoil the shit out of the movie Wind River with Jeremy Renner, which both of us can't recommend enough. We then discuss a man who ate a 400mg edible before we hop into stoner thoughts, and we wrap everything up with a beta AF about people who glamorize mental health illnesses. Hope you all enjoy, and we'll be back on our typical BS next week! #LukeSquared