Corona, People that suck, and Stoner Thoughts

Published: March 19, 2020, midnight

I open this up with a strong desire for Bruno Mars to release more music. Following this plea for more angelic sounds, I discuss how hard this virus is impacting the U.S. and then NFL free agency (but only for a little bit). Before the intro, I brag about my love for milk and how alpha it is. Following the intro, people that suck takes place (People that try too hard to impress, people who rag on others who enjoy the same hobby, and people who roast you the first time they meet you). I wrap up the podcast with some stoner thoughts including how death effects everyone but the one who dies, making a deal with the devil, and why do we yearn for more than what we have? Enjoy homies! Listen while you're quarantined! #LukeSquared