Your Inner Child is Your Greatest Teacher

Published: Jan. 8, 2024, 11 a.m.


In this episode, Raven explores the transformative concept of the shadow through potent tantric teachings, shedding light on how it can awaken the entirety of one's being and daily existence. Drawing from her lifelong journey with shadow work, initiated in her formative years, Raven unveils the profound understanding she has gained by acknowledging the unconscious, protective role of shadows. Rather than dwelling in denial, she encourages embracing these obscured aspects.

Raven asserts that facing the unseen facets of oneself and extending empathy to the inner child paves the way for addressing unconscious emotions like rage, grief, or anger, while also establishing vital personal boundaries. She emphasizes that genuine awakening occurs when we grow emotionally and physically by taking responsibility for our inner child.\\xa0

Key takeaways from this episode:
- [00:27] - Exploring the concept of embracing our shadows
- [01:04] - Understanding the role of shadows in our lives
- [03:04] - The process of acknowledging and embracing our shadows
- [05:18] - The power of dialoguing with our shadows
- [07:48] - The practice of meeting shadows
- [12:18] - The importance of reparenting the inner child
- [34:13] - The journey of embracing the feminine and inner child

Quotes from Episode:\\xa0

"What would it be like to meet un-comfortability with curiosity instead of resistance? How different would your life be? How much more powerful do you think you might be?

"Once you grow up in the real way by having the ability to respond to your inner child, then you can actually do the real work of waking up."

Links from Episode:

- Embodied Awakening Academy -

- Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats -
