Tantra Practitioner Training Unveiled - Part 2

Published: Jan. 22, 2024, 11 a.m.


In today's episode, Tara Meegan, the Creative Director at the Embodied Awakening Academy, takes us on a journey through the 12-month Tantric practitioner training. Sharing her personal experiences with Tantra, Tara paints a vivid picture of the program's transformative essence, emphasizing its aim to seamlessly weave awakening into our day-to-day lives. The training unfolds across twelve modules, exploring a spectrum of topics\\u2014from communication practices for couples to the intricacies of working with shamanic energetics.

This holistic approach to Tantra is not just a curriculum; it's a comprehensive experience. Participants are treated to bonus study materials and weekly live calls, providing invaluable support on their journey. The course's ultimate mission is to empower individuals to become practitioners, equipped to guide others on a profound expedition of self-empowerment and spiritual awakening. Join us to uncover the insights and possibilities that this training holds for your personal growth.

Key takeaways from this episode:
[02:24] - The Impact of Tantra and the Practitioner Training
- [04:02] - Structure and Benefits of the Training
- [06:55] - Detailed Breakdown of the Training Modules
- [22:17] - Certification and Assessment Requirements
- [26:58] - Support and Connection Points During the Training
- [30:40] - Bonus Study Material and Student Support

Who Should Join the Training?

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner looking to expand your business or someone exploring a new career in healing arts or personal growth, this training is for you! Embark on a journey of self-mastery while gaining groundbreaking knowledge in Tantra.

Quotes from Episode:

- "I always felt that there was something missing. When I met Raven and encountered her teachings, it just hit me. I remember thinking, 'Why wasn't I taught this by my parents? Why wasn't this part of my education at school?'\\u201d

- \\u201cThis is fundamental knowledge about how to navigate life that could have made a significant difference in my life and could impact lives across the planet."

Links from Episode:

- Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
- Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/
