Why You Need a Goal Weight and a Goal Life

Published: Feb. 17, 2023, 8 a.m.


Most diets promise you\'ll reach some almighty number that\'ll make you proud and happy.

That\'s not how it works.

If you want to feel good once you lose weight, you don\'t just need a goal weight. You need to discover the answer to questions like...

  • What kind of eater do you want to be?
  • Do you want to be the kind of person who eats on plan during vacations, or is it okay to eat how you want, knowing you\'ll seamlessly get back on track when you get home?
  • What kinds of food do you want to be able to enjoy without overeating them?

When you don\'t know who you want to be as an eater, you might lose weight.... but you might not like the lifestyle you need to live to maintain it.

You don\'t just need a goal weight. You need a goal life.

Listen to Episode 307: Why You Need a Goal Weight and a Goal Life. In under 10 minutes, you\'ll have a mindset shift that\'ll help you set weightloss goals to help you create not only the body you want but the life you want.

Get the Free Course here:
