How to Quit Dreading Weighing Yourself!

Published: Feb. 16, 2018, 3:09 p.m.


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Do you ever dread weighing yourself?

I had a PNPTribe member call weighing in an "emotional rollercoaster."

When you weigh in you do you know what you are ACTUALLY weighing? Probably not. If you did then you would have zero problems getting on that scale no matter how you showed up with food this week.

Your issue might be you are weighing your self-judgement. That\'s a waste of time. Ever thought these things?

"I\'ll never lose weight."

"OOOHHH I was so good this week!!!!"

"I lost 2lbs. but I have like 78lbs. to go."

"I lost 2lbs. so tonight I can have that extra margarita and chips."

That\'s weighing your self-judgement. You are weighing how you think about that number instead of the your body weight. Those thoughts are not helpful.

Here\'s what you must know...

When you weigh the only thing the scale reflects is your fat, muscle, water, and organs.
Each of those are responding to hormones, your actions, and the barometric pressure.

Yes, weather and the temperature of the room you weigh in can move the number up or down a pound or two.

That\'s why shaming yourself is USELESS! What if you decide you are a failure and chug a doughnut after a good week because the bathroom was two degrees cooler than last week?

Did you just go "Oh no!" Girl, I\'ve been there, too.

The most important thing to do prior to weighing (besides getting naked after you poop) is to think, "No matter what I weigh I will take an honest look at how I ate this past week."
This is the REAL DEAL. Your weigh-in must be a trigger you to honestly assess what went RIGHT and what you can improve this week. That\'s how you will lose weight FAST. Not with crazy shakes. With knowledge.

Your weight should NOT ever be a trigger to cry, shame, or eat. That\'s USELESS.

I want you to become a master at feedback. Why? The more you move into the mindset of appreciating feedback from your scale and food journals the more weight you will lose.

Losing weight requires you to get out of your head and into your details.

Our podcast dives deeper into this. We go over things we have our clients do each week to lose their weight FOR GOOD.

