As the Pendulum Swings - SHERI COLLINS

Published: Oct. 6, 2014, 1 a.m.

Sheri has always had an interest in the paranormal – from watching different paranormal shows over the years to having déjà-vu experiences throughout all her life that she has tried to put an explanation to. When her dad passed away in March 2010 their special butterfly connection was made. It was then that she went from being a fan in the stands to being a researcher and investigator in the field. Sheri has had several encounters over the years since starting in the field and takes more of an “old school” approach to her research in the paranormal. She is a supporter of today’s modern technology being used on investigations and encourages the use of various tools on investigations. She is always innovating 'old school’ methods to try on investigations and employs the use of trigger objects in an effort to get a response. Sheri became fascinated with the pendulum after using a set of original jailer’s keys as a trigger object on an investigation at a local historic jail which began to sway in response to questions. Her deep curiosity about pendulums and crystals keep her busy researching and learning more about them and you will always find her utilizing them on investigations