The Veil between Worlds 8 pm Wed, 10- 11-17, 8-9 p.m. edt.

Published: Oct. 12, 2017, midnight

Around this time of year, you may have heard how as we approach Samhain, aka Halloween, “the Veil between the worlds becomes thinner”.  I want to talk about that ever-so-common image, and see how well it works in practice. The theory is, that it’s easier for the dead to contact the living, and vice versa during this time period. Some say that there’s a similar “ebb and flow” around Beltane (others disagree).  Morgan Daimler suggests that not believing in a veil between the worlds makes her a pagan heretic.  How literally should we take this common term? There are certainTimes of Liminality, during which making contact between worlds is more easy, but how much of that is cultural? How much is a personal perception? How much of a barrier is there between worlds? In what ways does calling it a veil serve to help us understand, and in what ways does it confuse the issue?   To listen on your computer open a tab to, between 8 and 8:50 eastern time Want to call in and join the conversation? Call 619-639-4606. You can listen later, Liveparanormal archives the shows by date on their website.