Tammy Hopler of Spirit Chasers on Filler

Published: Nov. 28, 2016, 1 a.m.

In summary, I was a total non believer - not skeptic but non believer.  I believed in what the bible taught but what I was seeing on TV I felt was not real.  You couldn't possibly get the "otherside" to communicate.  Then a few years ago, I was somewhere that an investigation was being done.  When I saw first hand equipment reacting, I did the little doggy head tilt and decided I needed to learn more about this.  I dove head first and have not looked up yet.  And as a surprise to me, I find out I am a sensitive, to boot.  So, I am pretty good at determining if the location is haunted and whether we are dealing with something maleovent or not.   Almost from the start I knew I wanted to deal with the inhuman aspects (parasites, demons, etc.). I was very fortunate to have Keith Johnson agree to be my mentor and have been going strong ever since.  I have made great contacts in the field and enjoy helping people in need.    We not only do investigations but after the investigation, we do prayers and a fumigation to rid the location of whatever is there.   I would say 95% of the cases are just human hauntings - the rest have been inhuman.  I did not factor in the ones where it was not a paranormal issue but possibly a mental health issue.