Keys for Developing Right Relationships

Published: Aug. 12, 2023, 9:51 p.m.




Matthew 12:33


Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.




1. Your relationships will never be better than your ABILITY to relate.

  • Many desire what they do not have the ability to co- create.
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  • \\xa0You must develop relational skill: communication, resolution, reasoning, coping, negotiating.
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\\xa02. Never compare your relationship to anyone else\\u2019s.


\\xa03. Relationships are work and always require process, if you despise process, you cannot grow together.


4. Couples who pray together might not stay together:


\\u2022 You must change together / evolve / plan together/ move together:\\nprocess


\\xa05. Do you want to be RIGHT more than you want to be ONE?


6. You must be developed in LONG-SUFFERING: the fruit of accommodation.


\\xa07. Focus on personal growth and development: constantly offering a better version of yourself to your marriage.


8. It's not your job to FIX anyone: you have one person to keep right with God.


9. Assess your definition of \\u201cright relationship\\u201d - manage your expectations .


\\xa010. Avoid having double standards (toilet seat).



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