Developing A Leadership Temperament

Published: Aug. 5, 2023, 5:10 p.m.


Proverbs 25:28 He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city\\nthat is broken down, and without walls.





Self-regulation is the ability to understand and manage your behaviour and your reactions to the feelings of others, and things happening around you. It includes being able to: regulate reactions to strong\\nemotions like frustration, excitement, anger and embarrassment. calm down after something exciting or upsetting. focus on a task.


\\xa0Result: greater productivity








any behavior an individual uses in order to regulate their emotional state by themselves.




Result: inner - peace


Not dragging others into your inability to sort & file




PROV 17:9 Whoever would foster love covers over an offense, but\\nwhoever repeats the matter separates close friends.






Self-government, or self-rule is the ability of a person or group to exercise all necessary functions of regulation without intervention from an external authority.




Result: you quit interrupting the establishment with petty stuff






When you have developed self-mastery, you have the ability to control yourself in all situations, and you move forward consciously and steadily towards your goals. You know your purpose, andyou have the self-discipline needed to do things in a deliberate, focused, and honorable way.



Definition: Temperament refers to personality traits that determine how someone reacts to the world







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