4: How one Liverpool mum over-powered the government to change the law

Published: Jan. 29, 2021, 5:07 p.m.

Frances Molloy has spoken of her relief and joy that the new legislation she has so tirelessly campaigned for will come into force from Monday 1 February.

Last year she received a letter from the Roads Minister Charlotte Vere has confirmed that the law governing tyres will change on February 1, 2021.

Frances who launched the Tyred campaign which gained support from the celebs like Jodie Comer, said she never doubted this day would come and added: “I feel that I have finally done what I set out to do, and had to do, for my son.

“I am his mum. Who else was going to do this for him?

“Who else was going to make sure his life meant something, except me.

“It’s been a very long campaign and between us all we have achieved this law so that this can never happen again to another family.”