Talent In 10 July Tedx Talks

Published: July 16, 2018, 11 p.m.

What’s up Diamonds, How are you how is your summer going? Have you had a chance to take a vacation yet or are you sitting to the side watching all your friends and family travel while you stay stuck because one either you don’t have the funds to travel, l or two used up all your vacation time on the job? Either way, you sit back and watch them going on cruises visite other regions doing cool things that you just wish you could do. Let me ask you do you something, do you ever feel like you would just love to sell everything and travel the world? Sounds nice huh? Well, that’s what tonight Ted X talks are about.  Tonight you’re going to hear from Adam Baker he’s going to talk about what him, his wife and his newborn child did. They when they decided to sell their crap, pay off their debt and do what they love which was traveling. We’re going to hear how well that worked out for them and maybe by the time you finish listening to this Ted X talks you want to do two things; either sell your crap, pay off your debt and travel or say to yourself what the heck was I thinking! Either way, join me on LJDN Show tonight live at 7 PM EST.   We will also talk about cruise ships those luxurious big tankers us we see in the ocean, now there are a few things you need to know before you go on your first or your next... I know I am sounding like a #killjoy but I think you should know these things we will talk more tonight, see ya then.  Check out our homepage and the LJDNRadio Stream 24/7 indie... how sweet it is.. There's a new FB for the radio full of indie music artist and other talented folks check it out. I am still looking for new Indie artist music to stream on my channel, and if you have an idea for show email me let's talk about it. #linajones #ljdnshow #ljmorningsparkle #inthecutwjay #ljdnradio.