Talent In 10 Episode #4

Published: July 27, 2015, 10 p.m.

What's up #Diamonds, Welcome to another episoide of  "Talent In 10", the show is becoming quite popular and Im able to give great exposure #indiFilm #filmmakers #Authors and talents of such. I can't do it without you though, I'am so appreciative of your support of my show. I ask for your continued support for our guest and music artist that we promote on the show. They are just as appreciative of your support as I am #luvinDiamonds. Monday's "Talent In 10" Show will be a little bit diffrent I am going to play back to back all 3 eposides of Jay Burton "Bermuda" series. I will also have my first animated audio series, of course there will be a link to the visual, but I want you to imagine it using your audio senses. The animation is excellent, the name of the show  is "Ray & Clovis". A former guest of mine David Andrade is actually one of the animation people, the name of his production is "Animation Theory". I might have some other new comedy footage for you as well not sure as of yet you will see it in the advertisment if it comes through. I will also have a video trailor of Giuseppe Lentini's film as an actor in "Mob Trap", and the trailor of  Jay Burton's "Dormant" and the book reading from author Brenda Stratton "Lord Save Me From Me". Its gunna be a fun show and its live so PLEASE  tune in on MONDAY @ 6:00 Please make sure you check out the LJDNShow.com website for guest updates, pictures, and #DiamondDelight information. Dont forget you can now submit your music to the show via email. Its simple just go to the LJDNShow website. Dont forget to read the GUIDELINESS before submitting your music. Thats it for right now I will connect with you in the social network.