Podcast Monday DiamondForum Show from 7-28-2014

Published: Sept. 24, 2018, 11 p.m.

What's up Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of the LJDNShow! Monday’s show is a podcast this one is from July 28th of 2014 it was a DiamondForum show. The show included 3 guest, Voice Over actor at that time Roderick Jefferson, Author Nicole M. Dixon and Entrepreneur/Network-Marketer Robert McNulty. Our first conversation was about social media as a business owner. The second conversation was about mobile phones and how old do you think a child should be before they get a mobile phone. and the last conversation we had was about texting while driving. During that time my shows were 2 hours long, now my show is an hour long, so I had to chop out some things in the show in order to make it an hour. I managed to get it down to one hour and 15 minutes, that's because if I took out anymore I would have to break it in the middle of a conversation. So, if you have an hour and 15 minutes of your time enjoy the show. I will be back live next month with 5 new guests enjoy the show and I will see you in the networks. I will also be live Wednesday for the #LJMorningSparkle from 10 AM to 11 and on Thursday night at 8 PM for #Inthecutwjay” until then I will see you in the networks. Update: The LJDNRadio.com website is on track and should be up and running this week, look out for it and be ready to give some thumbs up for your 2018 DiamondAwards winners coming up in March. It is closer than you think. We are still looking for people to send in your MP3's or MP4's for the LJExpression Show send you recordings or videos to ljdnexpress@gmail.com  Thank your continued support. #LJDNShow #ljmorningsparkle #inthecutwjay #ljexpress #linajones