LJ Morning Sparkle/TGIF #forsure

Published: Jan. 12, 2018, 2 p.m.

What's up Diamonds, I did it! I made it to Friday and I can honestly say #TGIF I believe I have earned it this week. Let's see waking up early was trying to say the least my eyes are getting heavier as I am writing this description. I am supposed to be helping myself go to sleep earlier by having a morning show but so far its not working I think I am loosing to much sleep, Wed. I turned over in bed thinking I had more time to sleep then my alarm came on...what time did I go to bed? Well I started preparing to go to bed at 3:00am I did not actually get in the bed till 4:00am #crap I gotta get better at this. I am really glad its Friday and I welcome #sleepinsaturday because that is what I will be doing.. by this time I will have straightened my music glitches and can let the music flow. I have my after Christmas #Christmas party to goto I think I'm going to wear #red, will I feel confident enough to take a pic for my #Diamonds? IDK have to see about that anyways, it is a #casino night theme sounds #fun... I'll let you know. Enjoy the show I will be back on Monday... I think my house just shook.. did we just have an EQ? Let me go find out what's going on. Check me out Monday night for #CoffeeTalk at 7pm EST otherwise I will see you all early Tuesday morning. Now I'll throw in some #'s #linajones #ljmorningsparkle #morningsparkle #DiamondNetwork #LJDNShow #diamondcity #videobl #linajonesdiamondnetworkshow