LJ Morning Sparkle /Throwback Thursday?

Published: Jan. 11, 2018, 2 p.m.

What's Up Diamonds, So far so good this morning thang is waking me up now to work out the glitches I have reverted to my laughter default a few times already mainly because my music uploads have been slow to process due to minor things like " - " yep that's what it is "dashes". See the night before it leads me to believe it took my uploads but when I get in the studio it is still processing.... frustrating to say the least. It's just a matter of checks and balances right... but hey the music is #awesome... social media is alright. The one thing I am noticing about social media is not all the time something interesting is going on I want to pick a popular but it seems what others find popular, I find as kinda stupid or negative. I mean it is easier to be negative and takes work to be positive could it be our society cares more about animals than people? However, I am having #fun and I hope you are having fun to I got nothing fancy going on here working out the glitches myself and I'll get there.. I always do ;-) let's see what the rest of the week has in store, thank you for listening please support these Independent Artist and their music they are #workinghard just like you and me. Now I'll throw in some #'s #linajones #ljmorningsparkle #morningsparkle #DiamondNetwork #LJDNShow #diamondcity #videobl #linajonesdiamondnetworkshow