LJ Morning Sparkle #Life Improvement #3

Published: July 11, 2018, 2 p.m.

What's up Diamonds,  Welcome to another episode of #LJMorningSparkle we are still in the book of Job and we have one more episode in Job which will be next Wednesday then we close and go into another chapter of #lifeimprovements comparison to biblical Scriptures. I am not a preacher nor do I hold any doctrines stating any of the such, I am just like you and I go through things everyday some days I'm good and some days I'm not (sometimes my bad outweigh my good #realtalk). The bible can be quite intimidating trying to figure out how it applies to everyday life situations, I can only pray that my interpretation is true to my Lord and to you and that you learn something about yourself, Jesus and your life as I do each time I study. Feel free to leave any comments on LJDNShow.com website.  The book of Job is one of my favorite books for a couple reasons, one is because forces me to look at the friends around you and gives me the strength to let go of unhealthy relationships you know those friends we "think" we want or need.  His friends attack him in many ways using different points they desperately want to get across. We all have friends or acquaintances that want to get their point across without listening to others. Job also helps us to look at ourselves and the things that we’ve acquired in life and what is important to us what will we do if we lost everything. Some of us don’t have a lot to lose but just lose that little bit will devastate us. It takes a good look at the test but God gives us so join me today 10:00 AM. I hope you take something from Job as I do each time I study this in comparison to my own life improvement.