Lina Jones DiamondNetwork Holiday Show

Published: Nov. 30, 2015, 11 p.m.

What's Up #Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork Show, this ismy last live show of the year. Monday’s show will be all about the holiday’s this will be my 2nd year having a holiday show and I am so excited! I am appreciative & thankful for your listening participation. Holiday shows are always such #fun we receive calls from past guest interviews they call-in to say hello and share their holiday plans or traditions with us, I love finding out how people spend the holidays some have the same traditions as you and I. You'd be surprise to see what you have in common with others, some folks don't really do anything for the holidays Christmas is just another day of relaxation, others are getting together with friends and family exchanging gifts having big fun!  Christmas morning is not so special in my house especially now that there is no little kids, we get up exchange gifts and relax the rest of the day, go out to dinner and that’s pretty much it. December I will be playing podcasts from 3 of my most listened to shows. I will be on vacay there is always so much going on leading up to Xmas even if Xmas day is mellow the days leading up to it can get crazy! It's a little difficult to try to plan a show properly and this is a good example my show’s write-up is late today. Be prepared cause you might hear some mishaps but make no mistakes I never claimed that my show is perfect maybe that's what makes it special to my listeners. Stay listening  for the month of December to check out my podcasts then join me in  January 2016.For new interviews and a few more surprises remember the show will be change from 2 hrs to 1 hr starting 7:00 - 8pm EST make sure to note the new time. Have Merry Xmas and a Blessed New Year, don’t forget to check out the December updates on the shows website at LJDNShow.