Interview with Filmmaker & Set Designer Jay Burton

Published: March 16, 2015, 10 p.m.

What's up Diamonds, Thank you for supporting the show please continue support by listening in or downloading Monday's show, when you show your support you are not only supporting the show you are supporting the guest and the #Indie Music artist promoted here on this show. We are still celebrating the show’s anniversary this month as part of our celebration we are giving away a free 270x175 or 270x300px advertisement banner on our website you can select the page you would like your banner to be seen on Free for the month of March this is a $20 and $25.00 per month value. So stop by and check out our website at each pick what page you want your banner to be seen on and send it your banner to Monday’s show does not fall short on talent we have Indy artists Filmmaker and Story Designer Jay Burton he will be on talking about his new film “Dormant” due to open this summer he has also produced and starred in three other films “Dormant” is a prequel to a comic book series named “Bermuda City” on the Red Crow series label. If you like Alfred Hitchcock movies then you’re going to love “Dormant” it promises to be a mental suspense movie that doesn’t fall short of bloody action. Jay will all so be participating in the “Talent In 10” project starting April 27, 2015. Speaking of “Talent In 10” have you gotten your audio together yet? Although there is really no deadline went to send in your audio but… If you want to be on then premier of “Talent In 10” on April 27 you will need to have your audio submitted by or before April 20, 2015. For more information about the project go to our website or email