DiamondDelights Music Comedy BrandBuilding Tips

Published: Feb. 23, 2015, 11 p.m.

What's up Diamonds, Hello to you all! Thank you for tuning in on another episode of the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork show don't even think about clicking off  we need you to listen.  You know this is a Murphy's Law studio anything can happen you know the rest I appreciate you listening we are now available in iTunes =) Feb. is coming to a closet and March is right around the corner! 2015 is moving on March 17th will officially be the shows 1st anniversary! Yep I have been here for nearly 1 year starting out with 0 listeners and followers. Although my followers are coming along slowly my listeners up nearly 3,000 that's pretty good for one year's work! In celebration of the shows anniversary in March I will be giving away free advertisement on the shows website LJDNShow.com the advertisement will be a Free 270x175 clickable that's right clickable banner advertisement valued at $32.00 per month you'll pay nothing for the month of March check website for specifications and formats. Starting in April "Talent In 10" will begin airing every last Monday of the month if you want to know just how good your talent is in voice, film, music, even sales here's your chance to find out! Promotions will start in March with detailed information be sure to check the website for promo information beginning in March. Monday's show is all about the music! I will be playing music from my #DiamondDelights promotions make sure visit the website for updates & info. You will also here from our Comedian Brian T. Shirley and of course I'll have those brand building tips to help build your business and your name! Join me live and remember you are always welcome to call-in studio lines will be open #347-237-4697.