Coffee Talk 2016 Let's Catch Up

Published: Jan. 12, 2016, midnight

What's Up #Diamonds, My Dragon is officially broken and I have to go back to typing everything by hand you what that means write (typos)lol, although I will try to correct as many as possible. Before continuing let me first say Thank You For Listening! It makes my heart happy knowing that you are there. #muchgratitude Monday's show will be all about Coffee Talk! My Coffee Talk episodes are always my most popular shows....seriously IDK why?? I try to be as informative about information as possible and maybe that's it! It's that or you just like to hear my voice and it doesn't really matter what I'm talking about. If it's the latter of the two your #sweet =D. Every so often I HAVE to have a Coffee Talk because I'm a women and we like to talk...about STUFF and not always about #girltalk I like talking about things we can share with our male partners #relatable. So snuggle up with me this winter we'll share a cup of jobe.. This Coffee Talk I will be discussing 2016 Social Media trends what's going on, what show we be aware of on the SM scene for 2016. Don't ya wanna know? I know I do. I will be talking about tax scams its about that time of year we all need to be on the lookout for them. Cloud computing do we really understand it? Is it something worth having or investing in? And finally treadmills I want one but what's the best bang for my bucks? Now you know you are always welcome to put in your 2 cents all phone lines are open cause I'll be live at 347-237-4697 just click to call on mobile. Don't forget to check out the #official LJDNShow  website for new updates, the talk will be #fabulous and the music will be #awesome.... I'll hear you there Monday at my new time hour long show 7:00pm - 8:00pm EST. Check out my podcast with the new hours on your lunch.