E Trouble #1

Published: Feb. 12, 2020, midnight

Oh, we've got TROUBLE, right here in Marvel city! In our newest series, Jessie and Rob discuss TROUBLE, one of the most misguided comics Marvel ever produced. It's almost as if people don't want to read a teen sex dramedy starring Aunt May by the creator of WANTED and THE UNFUNNIES, Mark Millar. It's for that rare group of people that really want to know far too much about young Uncle Ben and Aunt May's sexcapades while working at a snooty upstate New York resort. Imagine Dirty Dancing without the music or dancing and Spider-Man without the fights or men dressed like spiders! Or don't! Just listen to us imagine what all of this means (and please let us know if you figure it out).

So join us for this and the next 4 episodes as we discuss TROUBLE 1-5 and spend more time talking about it than anyone ever in the universe, guaranteed.

What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club is used for the intro and outro. Find us on Twitter and Instagram @limitedtheories