Altered Avalon Season 1 Episode 09

Published: June 2, 2021, 2:16 p.m.

b"Altered Avalon Season 1 Episode 09\\nWritten By: Carol Foley\\nSound Design: Carol Foley\\nRated: PG\\nWhile Ariana attempts to reason with Damiana and convince her of the seriousness of their situation, Saras makes her way to Damiana's town to draw her out.\\nDamiana - Kristyn Mass\\nDevlin - Mic Wilson\\nLizzy - Lizbeth Liu\\nOswald - Benjamin Burrows\\nAriana - Deborah Adams\\nSaras - Tanja Milojevic\\nIktomi: - Nick Patrella\\nMark - Joshua Price\\nRandom civilian - Mark Cadigan\\nMusic by:\\\\nKevin\\xa0MacLeod\\xa0( CC BY\\nSound effects gathered from the free sound project\\nThis production was produced underneath a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivative 4.0 International License\\nLicense: CC-BY-NC-ND\\n"