Altered Avalon Season 1 Episode 01

Published: May 13, 2021, 10:26 a.m.

b"Altered Avalon Season 1 Episode 01\\nWritten By: Carol Foley\\nSound Design: Carol Foley\\nRated: PG\\nThis episode opens the series that follows the Bleeding of the Hedges saga. Ariana restarts the story in hopes she can alter the fate of all who were involved in the story of Damiana, a young demi god sent to the modern world to escape her father's enemies and awaken gods and magic to a world that long ago forgot all that once was.\\nIncluding the voice talents of:\\nRachael Messer - Ariana\\n\\xa0Caitlin Buckley - Echo\\n\\xa0Ned Faulkner - Pan\\n\\xa0Rahul Kurup - Doctor\\nMike Wilson - David\\nSayuri Junie - Amber\\nKristyn Mass - Damiana\\nMusic by:\\nKevin\\xa0MacLeod\\xa0( CC BY\\nSound effects gathered from the free sound project\\nThis production was produced underneath a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivative 4.0 International License\\nLicense: CC-BY-NC-ND\\n"