50 - Samantha Wills: How to Create and Grow Your Business Globally

Published: July 26, 2017, 2 p.m.


On today's show,\\xa0

Samantha shares how to start and develop your business on a global scale.
She also covers,

  • Her success didn't come overnight; it took her 13 years
  • Her journey from selling her designs on Bondi Beach Market to global
    marketplace with celebrities wearing her products
  • How she got her first $17,000 worth orders at Australian Fashion Week in 2004
  • The importance of having a business partner who complements your skills set in business
  • Three things important when creating a brand: authenticity, finding your
    voice that resonates with your consumer or follower and personalization
  • Finding your 'why you do it' is essential when building a brand
  • People don\\u2019t buy what you do; they buy 'why you do it
  • Her brand is based on people who are passionate about it and the real story behind its creation
  • Why she decided to close her entire wholesale business except for department stores
  • How she uses her luxurious packaging to create special experience for her
  • Her Life Changing Question is: 'WHY?'
  • Everything in business and branding has to evolve continually
  • The background behind her 'Samantha Wills Foundation'
  • What sometimes you need to 'surrender and refocus' in business and life.
  • One thing on her bucket list is to see the Northern Lights from a glass igloo


Resources Mentioned in this show:

Recommended Reading:
\\u2018How to win friends and influence people\\u2019 - Dale Carnegie
'Start with why' Simon sinek
