110 : Do Not Quit!

Published: May 14, 2019, 2 p.m.


You have a dream or a vision for your business, for your clients, for a better life?

You will get there - if only you don\\u2019t quit\\xa0

Your marketing doesn\\u2019t generate the leads you want. Don\\u2019t quit.

The big deal you were working on doesn\\u2019t convert. Don\\u2019t quit.

Your main client cuts spend with you by half. Don\\u2019t quit.

Your dream life or dream vision is one conversation away. That conversation is with yourself.

When that doubt shows up in your mind.
Let that be the alarm bell.

The alarm bell that tells you, you are on track.
The alarm bell that tells you, you will make it, if you do not quit.

Persist. Believe. Do not quit.
