#19: Why candor in workplace so important? Why is it so hard? How do you change that?

Published: Feb. 1, 2021, 5:30 p.m.


  • When we say there is lack of candor in organizations. What does it mean?
  • Why is candor so important in the workplace?
  • How can organizations encourage candor in employees?
  • Is there some structure which organizations can follow to start creating an environment  of psychological safety?
  • Can employees also help in creating a culture of positive candor?
  •  What steps can team members take to promote productive dialog and debate, the foundations of positive candor?

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Podcast Description: 
Perspectives on topics having to do with leadership, work-life, and transitions. Host: Vinod Wadhwani is an executive coach helping corporate executives with purposeful integration of work & life and helping build high-performance culture. In this podcast series he shares insights on thriving in an increasingly VUCA world. He is the founder of Life Acumen LLP.

1 February 2021