#16: Why leaders need to be mindful how they are treating employees?

Published: Nov. 24, 2020, 3:30 p.m.


What is workplace incivility? And what kinds of behaviors in the workplace can be seen as uncivil?

Why is workplace incivility so prevalent?

If leaders know that treating employees with respect is critical, why is then they struggle to demonstrate it?

Do leaders need to tread carefully on how they are treating their employees?

What can leaders do to demonstrate respect?

Related Episodes:

#8: Why high-achievement oriented employees do not "speak up" in the work-place?

#9: The Pitfalls of Impostor Syndrome

#12: How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome?


Vinod Wadhwani is an executive coach, he founded Life Acumen LLP  with a mission to help corporate executives with purposeful integration of work & life; and help build high performance culture in organizations. Vinod leverages over three decades of leadership experience in investment banking, management consulting and merchant navy to help corporate leaders in seeking new perspectives, while focusing on tangible benefits to them and their organization. 


Life Acumen at Work - In this podcast series, Vinod explores topics having to do with leadership, transitions and work-life harmony. The views, opinions and anecdotes; he shares in this podcast are primarily reflections from his coaching conversations with corporate leaders, the coaching agendas that evolve from these conversations and subject matter research. 


24 November 2020.