Episode #37: Tony J Selimi

Published: April 11, 2020, 10:19 p.m.


Visionary, Philanthropist, Cognition Expert, International Speaker, Filmmaker, Business Coach,

Educator and Internationally Published Award-Winning Author.

Student of Demartini Institute School of Advanced Studies.



I was born in Gostivar, a small town in Northern Macedonia into a hard-working-good family. As a five-year-old, unknown to my family, I experienced sexual, mental and emotional abuse. At school, I was bullied for being of different creed, and at the age of ten, due to an illness that almost took my life, I spent two and a half years being treated in various hospitals.

To free myself from the pain I felt deep inside, the shame and the guilt that followed me throughout my childhood and teenage years, I pushed myself to study very hard and be one of the best students in every school I went. I received many awards in science, physics, mathematics and in 1998 I ended up studying in one of the top engineering universities in Zagreb, Croatia.

This happiness was short-lived, as in the summer of 1989 the Yugoslav civil war broke and I was forced to join the army and fight a war deep down I despised. Miraculously my life was saved, and in 1990 my mother put me on a one-way flight to London. Adrift after this trauma, I found myself homeless feeling alone, desperate and fearful with no one to turn for help. While shaving, I would stare in the mirror at this person trying to heal his pain, educate himself and climb the corporate ladder to fulfil the voids he had on the inside.

This “excruciating pain,” as I call it, is what also drove me to overcome great mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, relationship, social, career and financial barriers. Once again studying many life disciplines, the lives well-lived and successfully climbing the corporate ladder were my saviours. I started to travel the world, bought my first property and just as I thought my life was finally sorted, in 2009, following the financial crisis of 2008, I was made redundant from a job I loved. To read the rest please click HERE!