Patricia Stallworth and her successful 1 min podcast joins Traffic Masters

Published: June 30, 2015, 4 p.m.

b'Patricia Stallworth joins Traffic Masters Radio this week to share how she got her successful 1 min podcast\\xa0from zero to THOUSANDS of downloads in just a few months!\\n\\nPatricia is the founder of the "Make Your Money Work Movement", the host of the "Minding Your Money Minute" podcast, the author of the upcoming book, "Profits on Fire"\\xa0. She is also a money coach and strategist who works with individuals and business owners who want to get their money life in order and working for them.\\n\\nShe has over 20 years experience working with clients and organizations like Deloitte & Touche, American Express Financial Advisors and the Small Business Development Center.\\n\\nPatricia takes a holistic approach in working with her clients in her latest venture, "Minding Your Money 360". "Minding your money," she says, "Really is the path to a richer life." You can learn more about her by visiting\\\\n\\nAiring weekly on Tuesdays at noon eastern and in permanent replay, come learn how you can apply these secrets to succeed in your own business as well! In between episodes, you can get help any time you need it through the FREE DirectionsU\'s "Amazng Traffic Vortex" that walks you through applying the internet marketing strategies and online business systems. It shows you how to apply what you learn about on the show to YOUR business, step by step!'