How to Get a 7 Figure Marketing Job

Published: Sept. 3, 2019, 1:30 p.m.

b"Do you want to increase your salary and land a high-paying marketing job?\\xa0 If you're starting your marketing career path and looking for the best salary in marketing, this episode is for you.\\n Tune in to hear Eric Siu share his favorite marketing career advice to help you prepare for a senior-level marketing career.\\n Click here to watch the full YouTube video\\n \\xa0Leave Some Feedback:\\n What should I talk about next? Who should I interview?\\u202fPlease let me know on\\u202fTwitter\\u202for in the comments below.\\n Did you enjoy this episode?\\u202fIf so, leave a\\u202fshort review here.\\n Subscribe\\u202fto\\u202fGrowth Everywhere on iTunes.\\n Get the non-iTunes RSS feed\\n Connect with Eric Siu:\\n Growth Everywhere\\n Single Grain\\n Twitter @Ericosiu\\n Instagram @Ericosiu"