ZCS 046: Art, Imagination and Teaching w/ Holly Wren Spaulding

Published: Feb. 23, 2017, 8:10 p.m.

b"Welcome to Episode 046 of The Zen Courses Show! My guest for this episode is the wonderful Holly Wren Spaulding poet, teacher, and activist. Holly has been a long time supporter of Zen Courses. I asked her to join us to share her online course journey, especially how she\\xa0balances creating online programs\\xa0with making art. Ready?\\n\\n \\n\\n**In This Episode, You'll Learn:**\\n\\n \\n- Why it\\u2019s good to disconnect from the online world to create\\n- What an immersive course / program looks like\\n- Why Holly Wren uses a seasonal structure for her program\\n- How she balances teaching online with her need to create art\\n- How she transitioned her in-person teaching to an online business\\n- Why pricing is something you have to test\\n- How she teaches transformation through poetry in an online program\\n \\n\\n**References and Tools Mentioned:**\\n\\n \\n- [Poetry Immersion Program](https://www.hollywrenspaulding.com/poetry-immersion/)\\n- Holly's upcoming course, [A Body of Work](https://www.hollywrenspaulding.com/a-body-of-work-poetry-manuscript-incubator-course/)\\n \\n\\n**Thanks for Listening!**\\n\\n \\n\\nIf you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving an honest review for The Zen Courses Show on iTunes! Ratings and reviews boost ratings & help new listeners find the show. I read every review and I'd love to read yours. Click here to leave a review.\\n\\n \\n\\nAnd, finally, don\\u2019t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates. If you have an Android phone, you can subscribe on Stitcher.\\n\\n \\n\\nLastly, I want to say THANK YOU to Holly for sharing her\\xa0story with us on The Zen Courses Show!"