Let’s Talk with John Darr about Insurance for Pre- and Post-close Occupancies

Published: Oct. 9, 2020, 8:39 a.m.

In our Season 2 opener, we sat down with rockstar agent and partner at Darr Schackow Insurance, John Darr, to discuss the importance of insurance policies for both buyers and sellers when entering into post- and pre-closing occupancy agreements. Buyers and sellers alike usually don’t amend their Insurance policies when entering into these commonly used agreements, but John warns that not doing so it’s a big - and possibly very costly! - mistake. Listen as he and I chat about this topic, as well as soaring insurance rates in 2021, and John’s local music celebrity status. https://segwayre.com https://www.facebook.com/segwayre thttps://www.instagram.com/segwayre https://www.tiktok.com/@segwayre