Coaching Corner: How to Stay Motivated Long Term While Running Your Business with Ashley Lopez Part 2

Published: May 9, 2022, 7 a.m.

b'In Part 2 of this two-part Coaching Corner episode with Ashley Lopez, we talk about the importance of improving the structure of your business and setting financial goals that will keep you motivated long term.

Missed Part 1? Check it out HERE

Talking with an accountant is a great place to start to understand the financials, I think it\'s also going to work better for you to start to look at your business as a BUSINESS and get yourself on payroll and get structure in your business. If you\'re only paying yourself when you want something, that\\xa0 also comes with the downside of the opposite-when you want something and you can\'t pay yourself, because you didn\'t have the structure of the business in place.\\xa0


Episode Highlights:

[12:31] Childhood Beliefs That Could Be Holding You Back

[13:58] Setting Lifestyle Goals Vs Money Goals\\xa0

[19:42] The One Thing You Must Do In Order To Have A Successful Business


If building out a team is something that you really want to do we have our momentum mastermind applications opening up again at the end of May.

That is a six month group coaching program for those that want to build out teams legally and profitably and we\'re gonna have a whole lot more conversation around what that is in the coming weeks.

You can get on the waitlist for it by going to and that way you\'ll be notified when we open up applications.\\xa0
