Matthew Shaer of the New York Times Magazine on the latest in brain science (7/23/19)

Published: July 24, 2019, 12:05 a.m.

“In recent years, some scientists have moved from the study of the organic tissue to the wholesale creation of artificial brain matter,” reports Matthew Shaer in his New York Times Magazine cover story on some of the latest in baffling new brain research. “Grown from human stem cells reprogrammed to act like neurons, brain organoids, or ‘mini brains,' can mimic some of the functions of their biological counterparts.” This is just one of many mind-bending neurologic findings on the cutting edge of science that are described in Matthew’s story. Join us for a glimpse from the front lines of brain research with Matthew Shaer of the New York Times Magazine in this installment of “Leonard Lopate at Large” on WBAI.