Iconic New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast on her latest book Going Into Town (3/6/19)

Published: March 6, 2019, 10:19 p.m.

Beloved New Yorker cartoonist and New York Times bestselling author Roz Chast has always been intensely alive to the glorious spectacle that is Manhattan—the daily clash of sidewalk racers and dawdlers, the fascinating range of dress codes and the pricelessly nutty outbursts of souls from all walks of life. Told through her singularly zany, laugh-out-loud cartoons, Roz’s latest book “Going Into Town: A Love Letter to New York” is part New York stories, part personal and practical guide to walking, talking, renting and venting. Hours before her live Q&A with Bill Hayes at The Strand Book Store, Roz Chast joins us on “Leonard Lopate at Large” on WBAI for a discussion on the book and what went into creating her iconic visual style.