AI Powered Investing

Published: Sept. 8, 2017, noon

"AI Powered Investing" with Mike Kane of Hedgeable and Jeff Holman of Sentient Technologies. Moderated by Sinisa Babcic of Ernst & Young.

Artificial intelligence has started making significant headway into financial services; at LendIt USA 2017 we hosted a fireside chat moderated by Ernst & Young that featured a leading AI powered hedge fund in Sentient Technologies and a private banking platform run by AI in Hedgeable; the panel discussed the current state of AI in financial services and whether or not it has become overhyped; they touched upon the uses of AI within their firms as well as within the broader market; panelists talked about ensuring you have the correct infrastructure when implementing AI, specifically since you cannot just bolt on this technology to any firm; they also discussed some of the lessons learned from the past few years like the power of APIs and high frequency trading; additionally they talked about AI as a cost saver for companies and the ability it has to transform the repeatable tasks; as more firms are beginning to incorporate this technology it is helpful to understand how to use it correctly and these panelists laid out some good examples.