James Jensen, Creator of The VOID, Creator of JUMP, World-Building Extraordinaire

Published: Dec. 3, 2020, 3 a.m.

OK, seriously, James is a true visionary in every sense of the word. As a kid, he loved taking things apart to see how they worked, and now he creates massive VR experiences that transport people to a different reality altogether. James created The VOID, which is beyond typical VR. Allowing more of your senses to come into play, people put the headset on and are able to walk around, see, smell, hear, and touch a different world. This experience was so mesmerizing that Disney licensed the IP from them. Harrison Ford went in as Harrison Ford and came back out as a kid again. That’s why James keeps creating. He loves to see the joy on people’s faces when they experience the worlds that he’s created. Using his knowledge from The VOID, he created JUMP, which allows people to put the headset on and BASE jump off a mountain with a wing suit! And it feels exceptionally real. The feeling of free-falling, the wind in your face, the smell of the air—it’s all there, while you are completely safe in a virtual world. It was such a pleasure chatting with James and to hear how his understanding of the universe changed as a result of the things he has created. Hope you enjoy the podcast!