Stolen Antiquities and the Prosecutors who Recover it: A look at the Manhattan DAs Antiquities Trafficking Unit

Published: Feb. 10, 2022, 5 a.m.

b'LegalAF x MeidasTouch, the top-rated weekend global news podcast covering US law and politics anchored by Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok, has launched a special weekly Wednesday short-form edition providing a piercing but entertaining look at one or two topics ripped from today\\u2019s headlines, this one co-anchored by veteran prosecutor, policy analyst and defense counsel, Karen Friedman Agnifilo (\\u201cKFA\\u201d).\\xa0On this :30 minute episode the anchors shine a light into a fascinating but little known corner of the law \\u2013 illegal antiquities and art trafficking.\\xa0Popok and KFA explore the rarefied underworld of the high-stakes antiquities trade, pulling in auction houses, dealers, museums and collectors.\\xa0The anchors focus on the novel work of the world\\u2019s only prosecutor-led antiquities recovery unit, the Manhattan DA Office\\u2019s Antiquities Trafficking Unit that has recovered over 3000 items valued at over $200mm in just the last decade.\\xa0Special Easter Egg: Learn how Kim Kardashian led to the seizure of a multimillion dollar Egyptian coffin.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'