Round Rock Zoi Ora Filos "Lifetime Friends" (With Holly and Maya)

Published: April 11, 2020, 3:11 p.m.


Hi Y\'all!


We are honor to showcase a large and dedicated group of young ladies willing to show up and make a difference.  Time and time again, community events such as the Texas School for the Deaf Pancake Breakfast would not be a success without all the volunteers like Zoi Ora Filos.  Yet that is not the only event they do.  This episode finds out the who and the how these young women teaches us adults a few new tricks when it comes to organization.


As we find out, Zoi Ora Filos in Greek means, "Lifetime Friends."  At the introduction, we heard from Mr Julio Olvera in demonstrating the meaning of lifetime friends.  His volunteer attitude to step up to the plate to, A) show trust in ShareTheWill, B) looking out for another small business, C) giving compassion to others; are all reasons why we, ShareTheWill, consider Mr. Julio Olvera a lifetime friend.  Please check him out at or If nothing else, give him a shout of appreciation. 


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Michael & Will
