"If Not Me, Then Who..." Monica Velez from the Travis Manion Foundation: Austin, Texas Chapter

Published: Jan. 13, 2021, 10:29 p.m.

Hey Y'all

It has been a while since we last published an episode in early fall of 2020.  Since that time, we, Share The Will Foundation, have been carefully working within our community.  In that time, we have made new friends along the way that has open our eyes to what is capable in the human spirit.

In this episode, First Sergeant Will Williams and myself get the opportunity to chat with Monica Velez from the Travis Manion Foundation (TMF) about survivor families and Veterans carrying the torch of Service onwards.  We are thankful to Monica in opening up her story of losing both of her brothers; yet, their character and spirit lives on with the work Monica represents with TMF. 

If anybody would like to know more or how to get in touch with TMF, their website is www.travismanion.org.  If you like to reach out to Monica, Will, or myself, do so by emailing me at sharethewill@outlook.com.  The email comes straight to me and I can forward it on.

The 2021 Texas School for the Deaf Pancake Breakfast is soon approaching,  Tickets are now on sale.  https://tsdpancakebreakfast.ticketleap.com/texas-school-for-the-deaf-pancake-breakfast/

In a special treat to y'all, my friend JD Dominowski has agreed in lending his musical touch to this podcast.  His music is amazing as well as his giving heart.  Thank you JD in being a friend to the ShareTheWill Foundation.  JD music can be found on iTunes, Spotify, and YouTube.  Here is a link if you like to listen to his albums.

