Apoyando a un Angel (Saving an Angel) with VP Sheridel Sevilla

Published: Feb. 22, 2020, 1:19 a.m.


Hola Amigas!


Will and I sit down with Vice President of Apoyando a un Angel Foundation Sheridel Sevilla.  Besides being VP of the foundation, Sheridel is hard working entrepreneur while being a full time wife and mom.  In short amount of time we have been become family with Apoyando a un Angel and those who help support them.  I am for one so happy that fate brought us together.


Here is information more about Apoyando an Angel Foundation by finding them on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/apoyandoaunangelfoundation/


Sheridel business of Beauty Couture School & Medspa can be found at http://bcoutureaustin.com


We can be reached by email at sharethewill@outlook.com, www.sharethewill.org or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ShareTheWill/



Will & Michael

