It's NEVER Their Fault

Published: June 2, 2019, 11 p.m.


John reflects on the Tenant Fee ban, its imminent implementation and the ways some have prepared, and others have not!


We all have experiences to share about those people who will never take responsibility and be accountable for their own actions or inactions. Listen in to find out more about ways to improve and develop the soft skills that support effective action in any situation.





  • The Tenant Fee Ban which comes into effect on 1 June 2019 was first announced 18 months ago and will considerably alter the way letting agents charge tenants.
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  • The initial legislation details were first announced 18 months ago so that agents and landlords had time to prepare but currently across groups and forums people are still asking what they should do about it, despite the closeness to implementation.
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  • Common excuses are ‘I haven’t got the time’ and ‘I don’t know where to go to find out information about it’
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  • Within 2 hours of its announcement, my team and I met to identify the impact of the Tenant Fee ban and the areas in which we could make changes. 48 hours later we had a plan to replace the income that would be lost due to the ban.
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  • By the end of the week, everyone in our business was aware of the plan and understood their role in implementing it.
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  • Those people asking basic questions a week before such a big change for the industry are those who won’t take responsibility or accountability for not taking action or preparing in the time available for preparation.
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  • If I’m not ready for something I look at myself and the actions I have taken and ask myself ‘what happened this time, that resulted in me being in this situation? How can I do better next time?
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  • Developing soft skills, improving your mental skills can be done in the same way as developing hard skills such as football. After the event, you review and analyse so that the next time you are able to improve.
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‘When you have a response from people that is untrue they either haven’t read the post properly or not understood it’


‘The fact is and its pretty black and white if you are not prepared, you haven’t got a strategy and you haven’t got a plan’


‘You have got the time there is no such thing as ‘I haven’t got the time’ when it is something that affects your business’








Leadership Revealed Podcast






John has several Estate and letting agents in the North East of England. He also has a consultancy business where he teaches agents how to grow and scale a sustainable business.




John’s doing this podcast to grow in the estate agency space but also to try and break into other industries as the formula he has developed for estate agency success, will work in other SME industries and he wants to break into high ticket coaching.








