238: Ask Denis: Take Both Masks Off

Published: Dec. 17, 2021, 9 a.m.


Do you take your mask when you get to work? Although we have the physical COVID masks we wear, I\\u2019m talking about the masks we sometimes wear as leaders. There has been a massive cultural shift within leadership whereby people want to be led by authenticity. However, so many leaders today hide behind a mask. Maybe it\\u2019s the mask of a title or position. Whatever that case is, it\\u2019s time we remove the masks and show up as our most authentic selves each and every day we approach our teams. 

People are waiting eagerly to get inspired by the real you. Let\\u2019s learn how to take off the masks and show up as leaders. 

On this episode:

  • Too many people are trying to be something they\\u2019re not, almost like a switch is being flipped when they enter the room. I talk about why this may be, and how the \\u2018See, Do, Get\\u2019 model is in effect.
  • If you\\u2019ve identified that you are wearing a mask, how do you go about removing it? I share what I believe to be the best way to take the mask off and what questions to ask yourself daily: How will I show up today? How can I inspire people? What will I do today that will add value to others? 

Key Takeaways:

  • The \\u2018See, Do, Get\\u2019 model - people try to emulate what they believe gets results
  • How you show up is the key to removing the mask 
  • Your teams, customers, stakeholders, want the real you 
  • People want to be led by someone they relate to 
  • True leadership reveals itself even in the worst situations
  • Be audience conscious, not self-conscious 


Tweetable Quotes:

 \\u201cIt\\u2019s actually how you show up - is what the real key is. Your team, your customers, your stakeholders, your leadership\\u2026 they\\u2019re all wanting you to show up in a way that\\u2019s actually going to see the real you.\\u201d - Denis Gianoutsos

\\u201cYour people deserve world-class leadership, they also deserve the real you, not someone hiding behind a mask\\u2026 Someone who is going to actually step up, show up, and be there with them.\\u201d - Denis Gianoutsos

\\u201cTake both masks off and lead going forward. Show people what you can do, inspire them, then get out of the way and let them fly.\\u201d - Denis Gianoutsos

Reach out to Denis:

Email: denis@leadingchangepartners.com

Website: http://www.leadingchangepartners.com/ 

Leadership Is Changing Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LeadershipIsChanging/

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